Thursday 9 January 2014

"Happy" 2014

Well hello there my readers.... welcome to 2014.
I decided to start the new year of posts off on a "Happy" note with some fun things to make you smile, and we even have a soundtrack to go with it.

By the end of this post you should have a smile on your face and a jig in your step.


Ok so
step 1: play this song while you carry on reading...

Step 2: look at this cute pic of this puppy.... awwwwww.

Step 3: ok so sit and write a list of things that make you happy or smile... can be anything from chocolate, to the smell of rain, taking your bra off when you get home , kids laughing or simply a good cup of tea... just make a list... then put it somewhere you will see it, so when you are having down moments you can remember that life has happy moments all the time.

Step 4: here is another cute pic.... you're welcome!


Step 5: Tell yourself that you are sexy,beautiful and amazing.  Then make the below face in the mirror. Go on... doooo eeeeeet!

Step 6 : if the song above has finished playing watch this video of a porcupine enjoying some pumpkin... you won't regret it!

Step 7: think of the people in your life who make you happy, and text/what's app/ bbm them right now! YES- NOW! bound to make your day better instantly.

Step 8: the last step.... now go out today knowing that life is grand, that you have things that make you smile, that there are people in your life that care and that you are wonderful.

make it so.

Looking forward to a fab 2014 with you all, watch this space!

love and shimmies

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