Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I heart Market- August!

Hi Y'all.... this month marks my one year anniversary of being a vendor at the I heart Market in Durban. One of the best markets around, specially catering for handmade and vintage goods, as well as yummy yummy food. A strict vetting policy means you get locally crafted goods and quality!

here is the poster for the market on Saturday:
 And here is a pic from my first I heart market:

and at the beginning of 2013:
and at the last I heart I did in June:
(disclaimer- phone camera shots)

I look forward to meeting more people and showing off some new earrings, necklaces and headbands on the 3rd!

love and shimmies

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Magpie Calls says "Hello Pretty"!

Ok so some pretty (excuse the pun) exciting news... a few months ago I was accepted to join "Hello Pretty", SA's answer to Etsy. It is fast becoming the online store of choice for people who want locally crafted goods and creative services.
I am really happy to be a part of this and it promises to expand the Magpie Calls brand even further in SA!

I have put a button link on the side which will take you directly to my shop page. I have a few items on there at the moment and will be adding more soon!
Here is the direct link Hello Pretty.

YAY for South Africa joining the rest of the world and the online retail experience FINALLY!


Love and shimmies

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Crafty workspace inspiration

This last week I have been organising, packing, putting away and sorting through my Magpie Calls stashes of fabric, beads, odds and ends and supplies in order to be more efficient with my time as I take on another job. While doing this I have found myself wishing for a much better space than my little section of the spare bedroom to keep everything and of course I was sucked into looking for drool-worthy craft spaces online.

THIS is how you craft people! Look and weep!


I can dream can't I?

Original pictures can be found at the following:
Solid frog
Art as life
Made it
Inspire Co
A scrap mom's musings
Crafty Storage
A nest full of eggs
One little word
Better homes and gardens
Kodust Ja Aiast

love and shimmies

Sunday, 7 July 2013

30 for 30

This week I turned the Big Three-OH! Yup 30 years of existence. So I decided that this week's blog post should be related in some way to this big milestone. I decided to find 30 pictures which either show something I love, am proud of, excited by, glad I have done or that inspires me. I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me and what makes me tick!

First 10:
 from top left to right and bottom left to right:
My Parents have been together for over 45 years and married for 40 this coming week. Despite their differences, they manage to still love each other, and have been such a great example to my brother and I on how to work at relationships.

I was fascinated by "bling" from an early age ;)

I have a very cool family, we are all very different in personality, but they have been so supportive of my crazy dreams and giving me the opportunity to work on my unconventional businesses. I love them.... and now we have an extra member with my new sis-in-law Carmen:) <3

I am a chocolate fan, dark choc in particular, and I am lucky that I have connections in Belgium home of chocolate awesomeness, this pic is from a package my friend Eve sent me and the family in 2012. I think we are due another one, hehe!

I have quite the jewellery collection, and can never have too much. this is a pic of my earring and necklace frames on my bedroom wall! I love that each earring and necklace is displayed to see... my version of art;)

My 15 minutes of fame. In 2003 I got the chance to be an extra in a Hollywood movie (not something that happens often in my part of South Africa). It was a Warner Brother's kids movie about a zebra that ends up entering the Kentucky Derby and is called "Racing Stripes". I spent two weeks with my University friends on set as we made up the race-day crowds. This is a pic from set with me in the middle in my race outfit!

This is me on my undergrad graduation day! I am proud that I have a B.A degree in English and Psychology, an Honours degree in Psychology , a Post-grad certificate of education (PGCE) in Foundation Phase education and a counselling certificate in trauma counselling. I worked hard to achieve those qualifications, and was also awarded with entrance into the international honours Society for students in the top 15% called Golden Key. Some people say I have wasted my education, but I use those qualifications everyday in my businesses in some form or another... just not formally!

I have been a creative soul right from little, encouraged by my Artist Mother. I must have been about 2 or 3 here. covered in paint;)

I love my doggies. We have had many dogs pass through our care and onto the big doggie park in the sky. Tysak, Freeway, Ebony, Blackjack, and Nipper. Loved all of them very much. At the moment we have two, Riley and Jess, a poodle/border collie/german shepherd mix(pictured), and a belgian shepherd. They make me laugh everyday, have SUCH personality and give such love back- one hug can make a horrid day a bit better!

I have ALWAYS loved Dressing Up and playing pretend, it's my actor side coming out! ANY excuse for finding a costume and wearing it! Helps that my mom kept all her old 70's and 80's clothes and that I did drama at school.  This pic is of me and my brother when I was in grade 8 I think! 

Second 10:

In 2012 I went on my own across to America, to Las Vegas to a Tribal bellydance festival called Tribal Massive. 50 hours of dance training in 8 days from the best teachers in the world in that style. LOVED every minute of it (not the phone issues though- but thats another story). Even though I was the only South African (actually first South African to ever go), and I only knew people from facebook, I felt at home, I met my "tribe" , ladies (and guys) from around the world who spoke my language - DANCE. It was also the first time I ever got to perform overseas, and it was one of the life-changing experiences in my dance career. Can't wait to go back next year in 2014 with my dance wife Benni:D

In 2013 Benni and I entered the tribal fusion group section at Miss Bellydance SA in Joburg. We came third and it was such a great experience, and it was the first time we were able to perform a choreography WE had made (always did the previous director of the studio's choreographies) at a national event. We got such great feedback and it confirmed that we are on the right path in our dancing!

Flashback time.... in 2002 my mom and I started bellydance. It was a fun thing that we did together as mom and daughter and I never would have imagined that in 2013 I would be running a studio and teaching classes. This pic is from my 2nd year in 2003 at our annual student showcase!

In 2011 I started teaching my own beginners class for the first time. I only had 4 ladies, but I loved seeing them grow as dancers, and my choreography coming out on stage. This will always be a special memory for me! This is my first class of ladies at our 2011 student show.

In 2011 I did my first protest march. Along with a couple of friends and my mother I took part in the Durban "Slutwalk" against women and child abuse. If you want to know more about the protest click here . It may be controversial but the idea is still close to my heart. This pic was taken on the day after the march around the city and the "coloured" bit is where we were.

Ok I confess I do not drink tea or coffee, BUT I DO drink Nesquick, only chocolate Nesquick, and I have it EVERY morning with my breakfast! Its my routine and I love it!

In 2012 I officially started my own business "Magpie Calls" and started vending at the I heart market. It has been a slow learning experience, my creativity has been taken to many different places, and my skills improve all the time. I LOVE making beautiful things and using all sorts of materials and items to make unique creations. I know that it will grow into something that I can make a sustainable living out of, it will just take time and patience! I thank everyone who has supported me up till now!

In 2013 I officially took over directorship of Dance Tribe. Cindy the previous director groomed me to take her place and after years of prep and working on my dancing and skills I felt ready to take the plunge. It has been hard-work, frustrating, exciting and takes lots of time and energy, but I am passionate about the studio, my dancing and my students! Can't wait to see what the future has in store for us!

In 2011 I organised my first flash mob, for World bellydance day which happens on the second sat of May. Bellydancers from all the KZN studios descended on the beachfront hotel and we did a dance we had all learnt. It was fun, and it was also the first time the studio's had done something all together. It has become our tradition to now do a group dance that we all learn on World Belly Day to promote community spirit! This is a pic from 2011!

In 2010 I did a brave thing. I did my first plane flight ever and went overseas to Belgium and Ireland to visit friends. I went alone, and managed to do everything without any experience. It was scary and exciting, and it definitely prepared me to do the American trip alone. It was my first time overseas, and I had a blast seeing new countries and experiences! Can't wait to go back one day! This is a pic in Dublin at the famous Temple Bar area.

Last 10:

I love music! Dancing has exposed me to so many different styles, genres and nationalities of music, and I definitely have an eclectic collection ranging from pop, middle eastern, balkan, blues, metal, medieval,South african, rock, etc. I find I now hear music differently, as my body and head automatically "see" how it would move to a certain piece of music. I choreograph in my head and I connect emotionally to music, more than I did previously. I think it is because I now understand the connection the body and music have to each-other. I have thousands of songs and it is growing more and more all the time.

I am a Reader! Always have been. I remember clearly when my brother and I were little we got read bed-time stories. I wanted fiction, he wanted non-fiction. My poor Dad had to read two lots to keep us happy;). A book store or library will always be a place of comfort for me, as books helped me get through some lonely years as a kid and my reading skills were so helpful with school and university work. Books will always be part of my life, and I love reading new stories.

I suffer (willingly) from A.D.O.S (Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny Disorder). I LUUURVE shiny, sparkly luxurious fabrics, jewellery and clothing. Many a shopping trip has been derailed because I have been distracted in the jewelry section. It is my kryptonite!

I have friends all over the world. Some I have never met! The world of social media has made it possible to have close relationships with people you never see (old and new friends). Some are dance friends, some from games and forums, others are old friends who have moved away. Whatever the case I have been able to maintain connections with these people in a meaningful way. I have even met up with some of the facebook friends I made when I have travelled, and have hosted some here in SA! AND NONE of us have been dodgy characters! I know that in almost every place I travel in the world, there will be at least one person somewhere close that can show me around, let me use their couch, or just to have as an emergency contact! It makes traveling the world more fun, safer and friendlier!

This fabric is something I lust over. It is called Assuit and is made by artisans in Egypt. It is metal pieces hammered and woven into fabric, and I wants some baaaaad! here is more info on Assuit. I was first introduced to this fabric through bellydancers, and it remains on my costuming wish list!

I have a love of tribal jewellery and textiles from tribes across the world. My particular style of bellydance incorporates these elements into our costuming and jewellery quite extensively and I have a few  modern pieces in my collection. I have also used bits and pieces in my own jewellery designs.

I love horror movies, and have been known to even attend movies on my own if my family and friend's are too chicken;) I think it is my psychology interest and background which makes the tension, build-up and psychological aspects so fun and interesting to me. Some are pure escapism, others more creepy, some gory, I try most. Some favourites have to be Silence of the lambs, the works of Alfred Hitchcock, Seven, Nightmare on elm street, Halloween, and some Stephen King adaptations.

Colour is my friend. I love clothes in colour, I love mixing colours, trying new combos, and having colour in my home. My fav colours are peacock blue and that rich magenta pink. The brighter the colour, the better. Not sure why, but it makes me happy!

This pic just shows the funny side of photo editing! I am proud that over the years I have learnt lots about editing photos and music, and making them aesthetically pleasing to an audience. I am by no means an expert, I had to learn by myself and through online tutorials, but I have managed to make web pages and a blog , all through my own efforts. I am quite happy with the results and give myself a pat on the back! For someone who is not a technology wiz I have done well!

Lastly. I am just happy that I am myself. I don't try and manipulate people, I try to be a good friend and colleague. I can be my own worst enemy sometimes with criticism, but I know what I am like as a person. I know my strengths and weaknesses and even when I am feeling lost or wondering where I am in life, I know that God will help me get through it all. I know the next 30 years have loads in store for me as I grow as a person!

Thank you for reading all of this. Doing this blogpost took a while (hence why it is late), but has been a great way of reminding me of how much I have achieved and done in my life, and where I still want to go. A milestone birthday is not just about age, but about making sure you live your life in a way you are happy with, so you have no regrets with yourself later on! It is harder said than done, but reassessing our lives every now and then helps to keep us on track and to prioritise. I am grateful to everyone who has helped to get me this far, whether they meant to help or not, good experiences or bad. The trick is to learn from every experience!

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, haaapy biiiirthday to meeeeeEE, happy birthday to me!

lots of shimmies and love

Picture credits:
Assuit      Tribal jewelry
ADOS    Colour blocks
Horror movies 
Globe       Computer skills
Books and reading
All the rest Tarah's own personal collection!